Brigham Property Rights Law Firm, PLLC is pleased to announce the appointment of eminent domain attorney, Andrew Prince Brigham, to the Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Advisory Board.
Brigham Property Rights Law Firm, PLLC is pleased to announce the appointment of its principal attorney, Andrew Prince Brigham, to the Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Advisory Board. The Advisory Board is charged with supporting the William & Mary Property Rights Project in planning and promoting the Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference, an annual property law conference hosted at William & Mary Law School.
The Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference and Prize are named in recognition of property rights advocates, Toby Prince Brigham, a Florida attorney, and Gideon Kanner, a California lawyer and Loyola Law School Professor Emeritus, for their lifetime contributions to the protection of private property rights. Each year, legal scholars, practitioners and members of the judiciary gather in Williamsburg, Virginia to discuss current topics in takings and property law.
Since 2004, the William & Mary Property Rights Project has recognized the outstanding contributions of ten individuals to the field of property law scholarship. Recipients of the prestigious Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Prize include a number of legal scholars as well as retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. The 2014 Prize will be awarded to Michael M. Berger, a partner with Manatt, Phelps & Phillips in Los Angeles.
“I am extremely honored to be appointed to the Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Advisory Board,” said Andrew Brigham, a Jacksonville-based eminent domain and property rights attorney. “By bringing scholarship and practice together to examine the fundamental issue of private property rights, the Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference is having a profound effect on the recognition of the virtue and value of property rights in the United States and abroad. I look forward to working together with the members of the advisory board and the planning committee to continue to expand the recognition and reach of the conference across the country and internationally.”
Andrew Brigham is a third-generation trial lawyer and the son of Toby Prince Brigham, for whom the annual symposium is named. Like his father, Andrew has dedicated his law practice to the representation of private property owners in eminent domain, inverse condemnation and private property rights litigation throughout Florida. Mr. Brigham is routinely invited to speak before businesses, individuals and lawyers on property rights, condemnation law, and trial advocacy. He is the Florida member of Owners’ Counsel of America, Co-Chair of the American Law Institute’s national Condemnation 101 course and CLE-International’s Florida Eminent Domain seminar. In 2008, Mr. Brigham led the trial team that recovered the largest eminent domain jury verdict in Florida state court proceedings.
Brigham Property Rights Law Firm, PLLC focuses its law practice upon the representation of individuals and businesses throughout the state of Florida in matters of eminent domain, property rights and real estate litigation. The firm’s attorneys remain dedicated to representing clients in both large and small cases across Florida. To learn more or review the firm’s case results, visit http://www.propertyrights.com.