If you believe that you may be affected by an eminent domain project, please contact us. You may not yet be fully informed of details concerning the proposed project.
Often, we are able to find out more information about the project and review with you its potential impact on your property rights. We look forward to explaining how the eminent domain power may be exercised and, further, how your property rights may be protected.

As an eminent domain focused law firm, our practice is committed to championing the civil right of private property ownership for property and business owners.

As an eminent domain focused law firm, our practice is committed to championing the civil right of private property ownership for property and business owners.

As an eminent domain focused law firm, our practice is committed to championing the civil right of private property ownership for property and business owners.

a case like yours
See our results
Andrew Prince Brigham

Jury Awards Property Owners $4.9 Million in Wekiva Parkway Case
Andrew Brigham

Jury Sides with Property Owners in Eminent Domain Suit with Sabal Trail Pipeline
Andrew Brigham

why us?
About Our Firmwe are client committed
- A truly successful protection of property rights begins and ends with the owner’s goals.
- Our practice of law is devoted to solely representing property and business owners, not the government.
- Property divides power between the sovereign and the individual.
- Property provides the individual with their own piece of sovereignty and makes possible for citizens to both exercise their freedoms and be rewarded for their own industry.

we are cause oriented
- We believe the protection and advancement of one of our most fundamental civil rights, private property ownership, has life and breadth in every case.
- We desire to shape the law while protecting constitutional principles upon which our nation and state have been founded.
- We understand both law and equity when resolving disputes between property interests.
- Property does not have rights; people do.

we are results-driven
- Zeal is needed to advance private property interests; yet effectiveness requires more than passion.
- We strive for an excellence in representing clients that requires both hard work and diligence in defending what is “right” or “correct” in a case.
- It is important to understand that it is not enough just to be “right.”
- We also know that we must find a way to “win with what is right.” See Our Results